Amazing how the world hasn’t changed

The media always is telling us about bad things to come. They are always telling us that the end is coming due to certain reasons such as terrorists, bioweapons, nuclear weapons, and Bush but the fact a lot of people do not seem to understand is that they have ALWAYS been saying that. The media makes its money by staring at people. Let us be honest here. If I published a newspaper or a website that said cute kittens were found safe after having a bath and now smell nice, you would not give a fuck. You may go aww or something but you will not care. However, if I do the same and say “cute kittens create a biological organic weapon (BOW) and say will issue a nuclear strike to the USA within days” you would say oh my god and get worried about it.

Sure, I will not deny that there are things out there that will kill us. Take terrorists for example, sure there is a threat that they will kill us but the fact you are more likely to die being hit by a car. Why get worried about terrorists going to kill you when a CAR is more likely to kill you? But of course, you worry more about terrorists because the media says to do so. Most people seem to ignore the fact that terrorism has been around for much longer than themselves. This whole Christianity VS Islam is getting boring and has been happening from the very early days of Islam but of course, in theory, has been around longer than that. Judaism VS Christianity was another one but of course, we do not care now.

I know that the media loves war. I know what you are thinking and it is possibly something like this – “The media only cares as it wants to give us the news on what is happening during the war zone LOL”. And no, you aren’t correct. The media only does it because they know they can make money out of it. Take Israel and Gaza as examples. While the threat was very real and if Israel did what Gaza claims then whatever, I don’t care but the thing is the media loves that. The media loves to be able to say this is going on and it can KILL YOU. The reason they love it is when bad news sells.

I know that the media loves war. I know what you are thinking and it is possibly something like this – “The media only cares as it wants to give us the news on what is happening during the war zone LOL”. And no, you aren’t correct. The media only does it because they know they can make money out of it. Take Israel and Gaza as examples. While the threat was very real and if Israel did what Gaza claims then whatever, I do not care but the thing is the media loves that. The media loves to be able to say this is going on and it can KILL YOU. The reason they love it – is bad news sells.

The sad fact is the media loves war. War in itself is not the most ideal thing for anyone other than certain soldiers who love to fight (this is not an article for should we have the UK army at war at this time, look elsewhere for articles and debates about that just not on Tweaked for your Pleasure) but the media can sell what is happening for a lot of money without having to try. Our Governments can deal with most of the issues and to be honest, most of the time it is never as bad as it is made out to be but of course, the media do not want you to know that.

The next example would be Iran. As we all know, it is now believed the Government (can I call it that ?) of Iran is creating Nuclear Weapons. Are they making nuclear weapons is not the meaning of this article but the fact our Government is more than able to deal with this crisis, to be honest. But the fact is the media is saying Iran has/making nuclear weapons that can hit Israel and that we all should worry because if they do that, Israel will strike back and the USA will jump in, the Islamic nations will jump in, then the UK will jump in, Canada will get pulled in etc.

Another world war would be at hand but at the mo, the media is making it sound like another cold war. Would that happen, well time is the only one that knows but the fact still stands that the media is making money out of this as people are buying newspapers, checking their websites etc to keep up with the latest that is happening.

I could go on and on about how the media keeps saying about doomsday comets, and global warming (ya, they love that right now). Hell, they make soon be talking about magnetic pole switching or nanotechnology eating us for carbon (Check Behind the Science for an article about Nanotechnology) but until the media can make money out of it, I doubt we will be hearing much about it.

So to sum up my article. The media in most cases always makes everything worst than it actually is as at the end of the day, the media is there to make money. They are just a business as much as the local shop is. Whenever money or anything at stake is included, truly free media will never exist. Those media outlets not affected by monetary gain etc will truly be free (such as news blogs on Blogger that are run by people).

On a side note to this article, you could debate that Tweaked for your Pleasure in itself is a media website as it sometimes gives information about what is going on in the world and you therefore could debate I am making the media looks bad in return of making money from the Google Adsense and if it does make money because of it then great). On Tweaked for your Pleasure, I always give my view on what is happening if I p

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2009). Amazing how the world hasn’t changed. [online] Snat's Narratives & Tales. Available at: [Accessed 23 Oct 2024].

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The media always is telling us about bad things to come. They are always telling us that the end is coming due to certain reasons such as terrorists, bioweapons, nuclear weapons, and Bush but the fact a lot of people do not seem to understand is that they have ALWAYS been saying that. The media ... Read more

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