For those wondering about the person behind this website – I am a blogger who started this website many years ago as a way to help improve my English and a place to also be able to write about random stuff that annoys me. Surprisingly, the website is still alive today.
Below is a list of common questions I have been asked over the years.
1. What is your name
Snat. That or just scroll to the bottom?
1b. What are your pronouns?
I don’t care which you use. You can use he/him, her/she or they/them.
1c. Wait, what about the name Theodore?
I do not go by the name Theodore or Theodora. These are simply names I use on websites where I don’t want to provide my actual name. You can use them, I guess?
2. When did the website start?
Snat’s Narratives & Tales (or Snat’s Blog as it was called then) was started in the year 2002 using the subdomain It was hosted using a free web host, I sadly can no longer remember its name and first used static HTML, and then a short while later was changed to use CuteNews using the same HTML template. However, it got defaced in the year 2005 at which point I then installed WordPress on my servers and couldn’t figure out how to transfer the data over.
At this time, no data was restored and the website was re-opened as Snat’s Blog.
I did one day find my old CuteNews database and fixed the issue that caused it to become corrupted, I did restore it online, but I brought the archive website back offline as I felt it no longer served its intended purpose.
2b. What did the site used to be called?
The website has changed its name quite a few times, although it has always been a blog (although it was used as a domain for hosting at one point when I changed the domain to for a bit).
- Snat’s Blog (2002 / 2005)
- Snat’s Word (2005 / 2006)
- The Ward (2006 /2007)
- Tweaked for your Pleasure (2007 / 2023)
- Snat’s Narratives & Tales (2023 / 2025)
- Tales of Snat (2025)
Although the site has been called Tweaked for your Pleasure for a long while, I felt the title no longer worked for people searching for the website, so I changed it to Snat’s Narratives & Tales as that is what I write about here!
There was a community that was also popular, and although I can’t remember the date for each, they were named the following.
- All4All
- Just a Community
I don’t remember why Just a Community closed down as it was popular and paid for itself. I did plan to release Just a Community as a social network but I never got past the development stage. For now, Just a Community lives on as a Discord community that I am trying to develop. I would be thankful for people to join!
3. Do you think anyone inspired you to write?
Well in a way, yes. While I did originally start the website by myself and writing whatever came to mind, within the year 2007 onward, I would say the writings of Maddox (George Ouzounian) have helped me focus more on what I want to write about rather than just writing random stuff that appeared in my mind.
Visit The Best Page in the Universe, Maddox’s website.
4. Are you the owner of
I am the owner of If you have a problem with any website hosted on a subdomain of, you will need to contact Josh over at, so the subdomain can be removed or whatever problem you may have.
I am UNABLE to remove any subdomain on that domain and it is open for public usage.
5. Not to sound rude but I heard you used to give away free money.
I used to do so, but I no longer do. I do run a Steam code giveaway – comment on any article and the comments for that month will be used to randomly pick a winner!
6. Wasn’t there a Hebrew version of this website?

There used to be one that I took offline … but it is back once again! You can find it here – סיפורי סנאט. Just like before, I am using the website as a chance to practice my Hebrew so expect a lot of mistakes.
Not every article will be translated, but new articles I am aiming to release both at the same time and the popular stuff I will translate. I will update them in future with better spelling and grammar as I do with this website.
If an article has a Hebrew translation you will find a link to it top right on the sidebar. For anyone interested in how this works, I created a widget where I put the URL of the Hebrew (or English version) and it will automatically link the related articles together. You could also just replace the domain in the URL with rather than and if there is a Hebrew translation it should load up as both sites share a common URL setup.
Unlike in the past, the English and Hebrew websites run on different WordPress installations – I didn’t dare use qTranslate this time around.
7. What decides if you translate a post?
For any article that isn’t a news article, I am aiming to also write in Hebrew so that they publish at the same time. For old articles, I am slowly translating popular posts and will backdate them and link accordingly. Not everything will be translated either, because I wouldn’t publish it on this site if I were to write it now, or it is something that only affects this site.
8. How much does it cost to run Snat’s Narratives & Tales?
The website itself costs quite a bit, but that is due to hosting other personal websites as well. The VPS this website is hosted on costs around £70 a year, around £60 a year for backups and £5 a year for the domain itself.
I am tempted to host this website and the Hebrew version on Cloudflare Pages or GitHub by creating static files. You can find more information about this idea here: Hosting a blog as pure HTML.
9. I was on Discord once and I heard you call yourself Pat. What is that about?
My bad there but that was a force of habit. I play an MMO known as Final Fantasy XIV and my avatar is known as Patricia Nirvana on Discord, I am used to being called Pat and now and then this slips out. This happens quite a bit when I am playing Phasmorphobia or Don’t Starve Together as I have played these games a lot with my raid group.
If you want Final Fantasy XIV content, visit Life in Eorzea.
10. Why do some posts have missing images or only small ones?
In around 2003 or 2004, I used Windows Live Writer to manage my websites, and for some reason, the upload feature to WordPress did not work for me, so it was set up instead to upload to a subdomain via FTP and link it.
Sadly, due to a massive hosting issue, I lost and to this day I haven’t been able to restore them. Some images I have replaced some with a low-resolution version that WordPress did have but I will either one day find them, remake them or in some cases, delete the rant.
11. Why do you speak funny and wave your arms around a lot?
This is a question I often get on YouTube and it sucks to hear this a lot. The reason I “sound funny” is when I was a child, during my English-speaking learning days, I was deaf until I had treatment (and still am deaf in one ear). I simply never learnt how to speak English correctly – nothing more, nothing less.
Most of the time, the arm waving is British Sign Language, although other times it is just moving arms out of habit and doesn’t mean anything.
12. Why are you ending Playing Games with Snat?
While Playing Games with Snat isn’t ending but I am changing its format, all I can say is YouTube has changed. Long series are no longer liked on YouTube and quick 15-minute videos are the only thing that does well. With this in mind, it doesn’t work well for what I currently do.
13. One of your articles changed. What gives?
I edit and update articles all of the time.