Trip to the past

As my old viewers may have noticed (if you have not noticed it, I really hope you are a blind user) that Tweaked for your Pleasure has “downgraded” back to the original theme used during 2007 to 2010 or was it 2009, I can not remember anymore.

Anyhow as much as this is a delight to a few of you, I suppose I best take a few minutes to post about why this has happened and the future or whatever I am going to type about and you are going to read anyway, even if you do not enjoy these types of posts.

Dating back many years which is higher than my viewers average IQ, a friend of mine called Adam Wright created his own little Dr Who show which ultimately gave birth to what he calls “Wrights Productions”.

Skipping loads of history no one cares about, he created the first website using Ellisfamily.TK fansite and then created the first Wrights Productions website using HTML, MkPortal, e107, WordPress and then TFYP.Network.

Well, thing is, it did not work out well. Before merging back, Wrights Productions had its own little community which got killed off during the merge and then my community that did not care so much about his videos. Sure, there were some issues as people brought up that maybe Wrights Productions should have been renamed as TFYP.Productions to fit in but it was not his fault.

Two main issues were both me and Tweaked for your Pleasure. No matter how much I try to sugar coat it, this site will always be a place for me to rant and that is all. The second was the lack of content from myself to Wrights Productions such as Playing Games with Snat.

Anyway back to the theme. Ricko Mann kindly made me a new theme which was simply titled “TFYP” and kindly developed it for both the English and Hebrew versions of this website. When Wrights Productions merged with Tweaked for your Pleasure to form “TFYP.Network” in a very loose sense that Adam adapted the TFYP theme.

However what happened is his whole site become dependent on it such as his page layouts and all that and neither, Adam, Ricko or I had time to redesign a unique theme for Wrights Productions and one condition I had with the spilt was that both sites looked different to each other.

So in the interest of making sure this happened, to the delight of a few viewers, I decided to change back to the old theme and re-add the features I needed from the newer one to this one. Wrights Productions then kept the Hebrew version of the theme and applied the English changes to recreate their blue layout.

So there you go, that was the divorce settlement and hopefully, Wrights Productions re-gain its little community in one time. That said, I should also talk about Just a Community. I closed it down for two reasons which were:

  • Lack of people posting/replying.
  • TFYP.Network disbanding.

When I closed it down that a few people contacted me about it. I would not mind giving Just a Community another go in the future but if so, it would be its own site run by someone else while I just give input. If you are willing to help out – let me know by using this pretty form.

To the people who did enjoy Wrights Productions, you can still catch their videos at Wrights Productions or by following them on their YouTube channel by clicking here. Snat’ vBlog, Tweaked for your Viewing Pleasure and Playing Games with Snat future will be published in the future but soon an archive will be up on the video page which link I have yet to figure out where to put it.

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2011). Trip to the past. [online] Tales of Snat. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar 2025].

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As my old viewers may have noticed (if you have not noticed it, I really hope you are a blind user) that Tweaked for your Pleasure has “downgraded” back to the original theme used during 2007 to 2010 or was it 2009, I can not remember anymore. Anyhow as much as this is a delight ... Read more

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