Unlimited hosting does not exist

Web hosting is very important if you want to get website hosting as it is this that allows people to host a website in the first place. Many years ago you were able to get a web host for about £5 a month which gave you something like 500MB of hard drive space and maybe 2GB of data transfer.

Over the years that bandwidth and hardware got cheaper and cheaper and it got to a point in which people started to offer things like 10GB hard drive space, and 100GB data transfer for around the same price of £5 a month.

However, it did not stop then. Finally, some people started to offer unlimited web hosting. Basically what this means is you can use as much data transfer as you like, and hard drive space as you like for just a low price of something like £3 a month (I am sure if you shop around, you can find it for $1.00 a year).

I have time and time again said to people who get unlimited hosting simply does not exist and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. Bandwidth costs money. If unlimited bandwidth exists do you think Google, Facebook and many more would pay tons and tons on bandwidth when they could just get a £3 a month unlimited hosting account? Think about all the extra profit they would make if their operating costs went down.

Also, I have sold web hosting accounts in the past and ran servers but I think I missed the memo about the new unlimited hard drives as I just can not find them anywhere.

The same applies to the processor and ram. I seem to keep missing the unlimited processor that gives me unlimited clock speed, and processes and the RAM that gives me unlimited memory … unless they are using that unlimited hard drive as an unlimited swap but that isn’t a good idea.

Often with unlimited web hosts, you will have a lot of limits such as CPU limits or even you can not use that storage to store files over a certain size. That comes to show a lot, doesn’t it?

Unlimited hosting is a scam, period.

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2010). Unlimited hosting does not exist. [online] Snat's Narratives & Tales. Available at: https://snat.co.uk/rants/unlimited-hosting-does-not-exist.html [Accessed 23 Oct 2024].

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Web hosting is very important if you want to get website hosting as it is this that allows people to host a website in the first place. Many years ago you were able to get a web host for about £5 a month which gave you something like 500MB of hard drive space and maybe ... Read more

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