The tales of an old man

Quite often on Tweaked for your Pleasure, I write about things that happen in my life and this is one of these articles.

As I was visiting a town which I am not going to name as I am sure I will get a flood of fans going there, I had quite an interesting chat on the bus coming back. At the bus stop I was sitting on one of the benches listening to South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut on the Sony PlayStation Portable when this old man walks over.

As it was raining, I picked up the bag that I had with me and moved to the side so that the old man could sit down. However, this man refuses to sit down as the bench was wet at which point he asks me if that is the “latest iPhone”. Smiling, I simply said that it was a PSP – a small gaming device.

While I can not remember what we chatted about for the first five minutes or so we finally got chatting about time. Originally he started talking about how it is going to get dark soon. It was at that time he said, you know the sun controls our day and night. I then replied saying it all related to our orbits and the speed of it.

The old man only stopped to think for just a few seconds and went true and then went on to explain the science behind it. Having debated with him, he then went on about what is happening right now in the United Kingdom mostly about jobs.

Having to ask me what was the last job I had, I thought to myself that the last time I was physically employed (not including freelance etc) was at New College Stamford. So I said to him I was a teacher for a short bit teaching PHP programming language.

The old man only replied by talking about PHP itself and how he used to do some PHP programming for a website he had online. Out of interest, I asked about what website he used to run and his answer was simple – just a simple little blog.

Wanting to find out more about the blog, I asked about it but he went on to explain how he only had six jobs in his day and one was being in the armed services. He went on to explain how he got into the armed service with military science.

At this time the bus pulled in and we all got on. The old man just sat quietly to himself listening to something on a device I could not see. Having stopped at all the other bus stops other than the one I live at, I decided to pop my headphones back in and listen to the end of South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut. Having not felt the bus stop anymore, the bus pulled into the place I live I looked up and the old man was gone.

For just a few minutes if I had to place a name on that old man, I would have said me.

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2010). The tales of an old man. [online] Tales of Snat. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar 2025].

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Quite often on Tweaked for your Pleasure, I write about things that happen in my life and this is one of these articles. As I was visiting a town which I am not going to name as I am sure I will get a flood of fans going there, I had quite an interesting chat ... Read more

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