Losing sight

When people start a blog, Let’s Play or whatever they normally start doing so because they enjoy it and not start simply for the sake of profit if you are lucky people will notice what you do and join you with what you are enjoying doing. If you are unlucky then you either carry on doing it because you enjoy it or give up and move to something else.

Over time you will start to get better and better (only have to look at Tweaked for your Pleasure’s archive) and with this, you will aim to become better and better. This could mean a better writer, editor, gamer and whatnot but regardless you will aim to improve on it and this is what will define you.

After time has passed and you start to get good at what you do, slowly people will remember you for doing what you enjoy and in time and if you are lucky you will gain recognition for it. I have noticed with people when get to this stage, it does go to their head and very quickly they will lose sight of why they originally started. You will start to feel regret, you will find many people who hate you due to what you do and you will find people better than you.

Due to all these people will decide to go further beyond and not carry on enjoying what they did, it now becomes a game of who can do better. You will do more, you will expand into things unnaturally and do things that really they have little enjoyment in doing and in time they will lose control of it all and end up with nothing to show for it.

If you are lucky in the nothingness you will find that exact thing you once enjoyed and hopefully this time the cycle will not repeat.

I am sure you are wondering what this means but I am saying from experience and from what I have noticed with people if you are doing something because you enjoy it then does not worry about anyone else and carry on. Once you start to let what you enjoy define you and all you do is focus on that – you will end up messing it all up if you do not keep control.

So that’s my advice for today. You can go on with whatever you were doing.

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2013). Losing sight. [online] Tales of Snat. Available at: https://snat.co.uk/others/losing-sight.html [Accessed 13 Mar 2025].

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When people start a blog, Let’s Play or whatever they normally start doing so because they enjoy it and not start simply for the sake of profit if you are lucky people will notice what you do and join you with what you are enjoying doing. If you are unlucky then you either carry on ... Read more

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