So glad doesn’t have feelings ….

Man, like a friend has told me, I am so glad that Tweaked for your Pleasure is unable to feel. Think about it, if this domain was able to feel pain for every time it has went down or had a slight problems that is would be taking Vicodin everyday of the week to try and lower the pain.

Not only that, but if it was in pain, it would want to remove the thing that is causing the pain and ultimately, that is me.

Well, joking aside Tweaked for your Pleasure had some PHP issues when I was upgrading Simple:Press forums to the latest version. It was a simple error but sadly, I turned off error reporting and it means only a white page came up. I checked the host allowed list, the httpd config files, I even suspended the site in checking for the error.

At the end, it was because it was missing a file.

Topic Idea came from Richard Lawrence, but also from what happened a few hours ago.

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2008). So glad doesn’t have feelings ….. [online] Snat's Narratives & Tales. Available at: [Accessed 06 Feb 2025].

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Man, like a friend has told me, I am so glad that Tweaked for your Pleasure is unable to feel. Think about it, if this domain was able to feel pain for every time it has went down or had a slight problems that is would be taking Vicodin everyday of the week to try ... Read more

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