Legal issues in setting up an internet based radio station

Legal Minefield

As you may know I currently been doing a radio station called Tweaked for your Listening Pleasure and I asked a friend of mine called Dave over at Amazing World Music (yep, same person that provides the music in my videos) about the legal side of it and lets just say there was barely anything out there when it comes to online radio in the United Kingdom.

With that in mind, Dave went out researching and has compiled a report on what he found out. All credit goes to him and hopefully it helps someone else. Just remember none of us are lawyers and well, we can be wrong. Any comments, different view points or if anyone actually is a lawyer in this field – please do comment as we would love know the law exactly.

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So there you have it, what I hope to be a very good answer to a question no one had answers too before.

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2012). Legal issues in setting up an internet based radio station. [online] Snat's Narratives & Tales. Available at: [Accessed 23 Oct 2024].

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As you may know I currently been doing a radio station called Tweaked for your Listening Pleasure and I asked a friend of mine called Dave over at Amazing World Music (yep, same person that provides the music in my videos) about the legal side of it and lets just say there was barely anything ... Read more

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