Using the reset switch

Well, I am sure you have already noticed but I have decided to “in a way” restart Tweaked for your Pleasure rather than keeping it as it was. With the de-merging of Wrights Productions and Just a Community, I felt it was only right to also begin a new one here, so I did mostly.

The first thing you will notice is I have changed the layout. The layout now allows you to access the content of Tweaked for your Pleasure far better. One of the biggest complaints I got on this website was the rants, news and videos are all merged onto the index page and annoyed those that did not want to see those things. So with this in mind, I have changed the way the website is viewed. On the home page, there are now three links (also more links top right, if you look closely) which allow you to access the rants, the news updates like these and my videos.

So if you liked reading about my rants then now you can simply just click the rant button or bookmark the URL. As I am sure you have seen, once you access the rant page you will see it then works much like the original Tweaked for your Pleasure. All new videos will be published in the news section while the video section will automatically update with a link to YouTube.

The second major change is the mass deletion of articles. I have deleted many articles that were not a rant or something and well, I was not even sure what they were. While I am quite sure many of you will blow it way out of the water and moan everything is changing or something – I am opening up Snat’s Blog Archives. And yes, it is being called Snat’s Blog Archives rather than TFYP Archives as most of the stuff on it pre-dates back when it was called Snat’s Blog or pre-2007 stuff.

The next major change is going back to IntenseDebate for the comments. I know some of you did not like IntenseDebate but seeing I no longer need any users to be able to sign up or even login beyond me updating the website, IntenseDebate allows many more features that people want such as emailing comments, replying to comments via emails and all that while at the same time allows me to serve comments on Tweaked for your Pleasure better.

So to sum it up. There has been a major layout change, content moved to a subdomain and the comment system has changed and I made you read a bunch of useless text!

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2011). Using the reset switch. [online] Tales of Snat. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar 2025].

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Well, I am sure you have already noticed but I have decided to “in a way” restart Tweaked for your Pleasure rather than keeping it as it was. With the de-merging of Wrights Productions and Just a Community, I felt it was only right to also begin a new one here, so I did mostly. ... Read more

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