PGWS Challenges #1

With the lack of entries yet people telling me they are going to enter, I am going to extend this to the end of July. Get those footage in asap.

It has been a very long while from when I done a contest on Tweaked for your Pleasure but from feedback related to my puzzle ones, I have decided instead to do a gaming related set of contests this time which I am now calling PGWS: Challenges.

So lets kick the ball and get started.

You will need the following:

So now you have gathered everything you need the contest is this and it is quite simple. The idea is tocomplete Sonic2 inthefastest time possible when set to skip 8 frames or get the furthest compared to someone else. As I am aware some people will use tools to do this, here is a few conditions.

  • You must record your whole screen with Genesis emulator taking most of the screen.
  • A visible clock from your operating system has to be visible in the recording. This means you can not film in full screen.
  • If you are recording you physically playing the game, the screen has to be fully visible with a clock showing.
  • You MUST show the frame rate in Genesis (this shows as top numbers top left).

So get running around those loops and start submitting today. All videos has to be uploaded to YouTube and then embedded into a comment below. You have until the 22nd of June to send your entry. Only issue is at least five people will need to enter the contest else it will be too simple to get a default win. Any questions than ask them in the comments. The winner will get a £15 Amazon gift card sent via e-mail to the addressed used in the comment form below.

Good luck!


It has been decided to edit the rules a little. You do not need to record the desktop as long as you are using Gens with the settings below.

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2012). PGWS Challenges #1. [online] Tales of Snat. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar 2025].

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With the lack of entries yet people telling me they are going to enter, I am going to extend this to the end of July. Get those footage in asap. It has been a very long while from when I done a contest on Tweaked for your Pleasure but from feedback related to my puzzle ... Read more

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