My favourite method of transport

This is the first of many essays about different topics I will be writing about. While I enjoy ranting on Tweaked for your Pleasure, I also do enjoy just writing about stuff and with this I am going to split my time between them.

“Bike’s” by Nick Fedirko is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

Transport is one of the most vital things for anyone in our modern world as it gets us to places of employment, education, social hangouts and much more but to myself one of the best reasons for transport is recreation and with this in mind, I am going to write about my favourite method of transport – riding a bicycle.

Many years ago beyond a number I do not wish to count, I learned how to ride a bicycle with my oldest sister. I still remember the massive park where I was riding my first blue / yellow coloured scheme bike and I still remember smashing between the two slits on the park’s fence which enforced just how important wearing a helmet is.

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