I am pretty sure that most of you don’t even know what the title means and I ain’t surprised but GeekRack was a web host that disappeared with all of its client’s money and ultimately data and then left them to deal with the shit she created.
The owner was someone called Shequeita and I wouldn’t be surprised if she started another web host someday (Or even have) but this post ain’t about attacking GeekRack (I am pretty sure a few seconds of Google Search will tell you enough) about Uk2Web (http://uk2web.net/).
As of posting this (As of this edit, they now have another page saying that they download the template for free) they are using the same template as GeekRack but ultimately, they seem to even be using the same client database and even forum database that GeekRack used. When checking the forum, even the login page goes to http://geekrack.net/forums/login.php?do=login (As of this edit, the forum ain’t online, what a surprise).