Snat’s Top Five Games in 2010

And here we are again as promised in Snat’s Top Five Movies. Now I am not much of a gamer but I have owned a few gaming consoles during my time and of course, I have liked certain games over others and as promised I am going to list them below.

So, let’s start first at number five and work our way down.

#5 – Final Fantasy IX

Ff9 Box Art

Final Fantasy IX was originally released on the PlayStation console and just like the other Final Fantasy games it starts with a simple plot which then expands into a quite complex plot.

The game is based around a Princess called Garnet who escapes from the castle she lives in and joins up with a group of bandits who were trying to kidnap her anyway. Her guard joins her who does not agree with what she is doing but follows anyway as a part of his duty.

Skipping quite a bit of the plot, one of the bandits is called Zidane (this is whom the player plays as) and has a brother who is working with Garnet’s mother supplying her with magical weapons with the intent of betraying her.

Now I am not going to tell much of the plot other than that, but this Final Fantasy game went back to more of its series origin which was based more in medieval times rather than the future (unlike Final Fantasy VII, VIII, XIII) and it is very enjoyable and is worth whatever the price it is to buy it now.

Of course, not everyone has played it and below is a trailer showing what the game is like.


Overall, I would advise you to go out and buy it now.

Rating: 10/10

#4 – Ecco the Dolphin: The Defender of the Future

Defender Of The Future Box Art

Now if anyone remembers Ecco the Dolphin that you will know it is one hell of a fucking hard game. Ecco the Dolphin originally came out on the Master System but the one I am talking about is the one that originally came out on the Sega Dreamcast.

Ecco the Dolphin: The Defender of the Future was a very pretty game but it was also a very hard game that was hard enough for me to stop playing the game for a while. I only completed the game after I got it got the Sony PlayStation 2 and used a game shark system to skip right up to that boss and surprisingly enough I just happened to work out how to complete it.

The game is simple to play and it is a very good game – Really, it is. The game is a sci-fi-based game in which an alien comes to take over Earth but is unable to do so due to humans and dolphins being united. So, it decides to rip them apart and thus can take over the world.

However, the foe (yes, that is the alien name) did not expect Ecco to try to stop it. Like the other Ecco games, it is based on different time zones which allows Ecco to save the day.

Yes, that is pretty much the game. You go through four different time zones and re-unite dolphins and humans by re-gaining an object however you find out that the very last one is held by the foe itself which then brings Ecco to fight the Foe to save Earth. Now for those who may have not played it, the trailer is below.


Get the game today and do not delay !!!

Rating: 10/10

#3 – Devil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition Header

Dante is back once again back in an action-packed game on the Sony PlayStation 3. The story is based after Devil May Cry 1 and before Devil May Cry 2 and the plot is that Dante is looking into a cult known as The Order of the Sword which worships Dante’s father.

Now, you would need to play the games to understand the plot but basically, Dante is a half demon, half human and runs a freelance company known as Devil May Cry.

Now this game series is known to be quite hard and it is known to just repeat itself but yet it is good fun. Now not everyone will like these games as honestly, it is just a game in which you beat up demons while collecting new weapons but the fact still stands it is quite fun.

Now I am sure some people will tell me that they found this game bad or they do not like the look of it and I said the same when I first looked at Devil May Cry but it is something you need to to play. Now for those who may have never played it, the trailer is below.


If you own a PlayStation 3 or an XBOX 360, it is worthwhile buying this game.

Rating: 9/10

#2 – Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2

Cncra2 Win Cover

Once again we go back to the alternate timeline in which World War II never happened and once again the Allies and the Soviet Union are at each other throats but not over Europe like in the first game but this time within the United States.

This game is an RTS that came out for PC and it is highly fun. Just like the original Command and Conquer: Red Alert, Red Alert 2 is way over the top in terms of gameplay and is much more fast-paced that the other games before it (while the later games just got to a stage in which you can win in minutes if you just rush).

Just like the games before it, this game is a very good multi-player via a LAN or online and does not become boring to play. In the past, I have been able to absorb myself in this game and just play for hours and hours on end.

Now I will not say much about the plot as there is not one but look below for the trailer of the game (okay, I know it is the intro but I am too lazy to find an actual trailer) and if you love RTS games, you will love this.


Buy it now.

Rating: 10/10

#1 – Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy Vi

And now we come to my favourite game of all time. Final Fantasy VI originally came out on the Super Nintendo Gaming System and up to today, is often still seen as one of the best Final Fantasy games made.

Final Fantasy VI story is based around a woman called Terra who has no memory of her life and is used by what is known only as the “Empire” as a magical weapon to gain an Esper hidden within the caves of Narsh. The back story of this game is that many years ago, there was a war known as the War of Magi in which Espers fought against Humans infused with Esper’s power. After the war, the Espers escaped from the world to never be seen again.

While the story is based on Terra and the Esper’s history (spoiler – In which Terra is also a part of) it is pretty much the ONLY Final Fantasy game in which every character has their own storyline and background history in which the game focuses on.

The main idea of the game starts with Terra trying to regain her memory and in the process, she joins up with Locke and others and becomes a part of an anti-empire join. Now I will not explain any more than that as honestly, it would give the game away in case you have never played it before but this is pretty much the only game I would not mind starting over and over due to how good this game is.

Now, I would show a trailer of the game but to be honest, there is not any trailer that I can show you. So instead, I am going to show you the introduction video that was added to the PlayStation remake.


Why are you still reading this, go and play it already.

Rating: 10/10 – Naturally

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2010). Snat’s Top Five Games in 2010. [online] Tales of Snat. Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar 2025].

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And here we are again as promised in Snat’s Top Five Movies. Now I am not much of a gamer but I have owned a few gaming consoles during my time and of course, I have liked certain games over others and as promised I am going to list them below. So, let’s start first ... Read more

1 thought on “Snat’s Top Five Games in 2010”

  1. Looking back at this article it is interesting to see how much has changed. I would change Devil May Cry and switch it to Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver but beyond that not much as changed. I am tempted to do a short review of my favourite five-game series.


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