When I first heard about Palm creating a “companion” phone that was designed to work with your main phone I could not help but laugh at the idea as after all if you have your phone in your pocket then why do you care about having another phone on you?
Well, I said the same originally but honestly, after using the Ytesky Qmart Q1 for quite some time now I am actually for the idea. For anyone that read Tweaked for your Pleasure, I think it is safe to assume you likely use your mobile phone to send an email, send a few messages on Discord, play a few games and such and not use the mobile as a phone “that” much and that is fine, that is just the evolution of mobile phones.
It is this idea why the idea of a companion phone makes sense at least in future when they get even smaller to the point you can just slip it into a credit cardholder. The reason I say this is on a modern phone battery life is still quite bad and after you have done everything you want to do on it it is possible that you no longer have the battery life to keep it online which is something a secondary “companion” phone deals with as long as it stays tiny.
This secondary companion phone simply stays as just a tiny device that allows you to make a call and a text message. In a way it may be better to say that current smartphones are nowadays just tiny hand-held computers that just happen to make a phone call and that is something I found so useful with the
I do not yet see the idea of a companion phone becoming
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When I first heard about Palm creating a “companion” phone that was designed to work with your main phone I could not help but laugh at the idea as after all if you have your phone in your pocket then why do you care about having another phone on you? Well, I said the same ... Read more