Happy Birthday Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth

It is that time of the year again that the Catholic Church decided was your birthday. As I am sure you know today is Jesus of Nazareth birthday which was hand-picked to phased out a certain pagan holiday. To many around the world Jesus was the son of G’d, others believes he was just a Jewish Rabbi spreading the law of Noah, others just thinks he was a normal man, others does not believe he ever existed – but regardless who you was it is your birthday.

As I am sure you know Jesus is a central figure within Christianity and Christians views him as the Messiah that is foretold within the Tanakh that was born in roughly c. 5 BCE and died roughly in c. 30 CE (or AD if you prefer) and Christians believe he is the son of G’d. Christians also believe he provided salvation and reconciliation with G’d to the whole of mankind by dying for their sins and then ultimately raising himself from the dead. Oh and he is important to the Islamic faith but no one really gives a shit about them.

Even if you was not the son of G’d or if you was not even real, you have spread a message of peace and hope to many and that is enough for me to say happy birthday to you.


So a message to all peeps out there on Tweaked for your Pleasure which is – Merry Christmas everybody and none of that sessions greeting crap. Rather then checking Tweaked for your Pleasure just go out and see your family, your friends and anyone else you may know. Even go and visit that person down the road who may not meet anyone else otherwise.

Just remember not everyone has someone to see, so go on and meet them and give them a Christmas to remember. Oh and do remember there are some people still on Just a Community so do drop off a Merry Christmas or two there.

So Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah (yep, don’t forget it is still Hanukkah people).


And on this second note, this is Snat signing offline for this year so have a Happy New Year and have a drink for me.


Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2011). Happy Birthday Jesus. [online] Snat's Narratives & Tales. Available at: https://snat.co.uk/others/happy-birthday-jesus.html [Accessed 05 Feb 2025].

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It is that time of the year again that the Catholic Church decided was your birthday. As I am sure you know today is Jesus of Nazareth birthday which was hand-picked to phased out a certain pagan holiday. To many around the world Jesus was the son of G’d, others believes he was just a ... Read more

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