As I am sure you know, Tweaked for your Pleasure is hosted on a few nodes at vps.net. While it is sad to say that originally my experiences at VPS.NET was okay, I ended up leaving them due to their SAN issues.
However a while back I was sent an email about their discounted nodes and I have to say, vps.net itself has improved big time. Not only do the SAN issues seem to have gone (at least on the London clouds) but support itself seems to have improved.
My current setup with vps.net is running the latest CentOS image (others you can use such as Debian) and their free licence for ISPManager. With VPS.NET you can get a free ISPManager licence (I think it is the Pro Edition) which I warn you now, does not work well on Debian and if you are going to pick that license then make sure to select CentOS as your operating system.