Superman V Batman: My Review

This review has spoilers – seriously do not moan about it if you read this.

The important peeps in the Justice League!
The important peeps in the Justice League!

I have finally had the chance to see the new Superman V Batman movie and while I do feel the movie was not bad and was an interesting watch I can not help but feel there was a couple of things that really annoyed it for me and ONE major thing that killed the movie for me – Lex.

So the plot is pretty simple which resolves around Bruce (Batman) feeling that Superman (Clark Kent) is an all too powerful creƤture from outer space that even if there is a slight chance of Superman turning against people who it might be taken he will do and thus must be dealt with. At the same time Lex feels the same and tries to get a weapon created so that he kill Superman and other aliens that come down one day.

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