I regret nothing

Often, I have asked that do I regret ever moving over to Linux ages ago and do I have any problems with it, and I can now safely say that I do not regret moving over to Linux.

I first started using Linux back in the year 2001 when my computer crashed and for some random reason, Windows would not install back onto it. It was then that my sister installed Linux onto the PC and from that point on, it was I got used to it. However, I would not say that I have not had problems with Linux but I have now learnt how to deal with most issues and I wouldn’t say that I don’t use any other operating system on this laptop I have Mandriva Linux and Windows Vista Ultimate both installed.

Now, in the year 2003 I started using Windows XP again and it replaced Linux and I was happy with it (At least my South Park Game would work on XP, but sadly that wasn’t the case either) however about a year later, my Windows installation gets clogged down with viruses etc (I have had Firewalls, anti-viruses installed, set to high levels and I still got infected) so I once again, decided to turn to Linux and in this deal, I turned to Mandrake Linux (Now Mandriva) which I still use up to today.

However, this did indeed bring two problems.

  • Drivers
  • Software issues

Now, the first problem, drivers, was the most worrying one as I didn’t want to fuck around hunting down drivers or making it work myself however all my drivers worked other than my Belkin Pre-N Card (Which works now). However, my Linux installation picked up internal wireless that I didn’t know I had so I wasn’t bothered just as long as I can get onto the internet.

The final issue was would my software work on Linux. The first software was OpenOffice.org but they had a Linux version of that. The next one was MSN, but I used AMSN on Windows and they had a Linux version. The next problem I had was my C&C series and with, many thanks, Wine I was able to run these games.

Now lately, I have been using Microsoft Office 2007 a lot, and even Office 2007 can work on Linux and there are many steps by steps on how to get it to work.

As of two, or three days ago, I was able to get South Park PC Game to work on Linux via Wine and even wrote a HowTo should it not work for you. I am also the maintainer of South Park PC Game on Wine, so if you have a problem do let me know.

So, do I regret moving over to Linux?

NO !!!

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2008). I regret nothing. [online] Tales of Snat. Available at: https://snat.co.uk/rants/i-reget-nothing.html [Accessed 26 Mar 2025].

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Often, I have asked that do I regret ever moving over to Linux ages ago and do I have any problems with it, and I can now safely say that I do not regret moving over to Linux. I first started using Linux back in the year 2001 when my computer crashed and for some ... Read more

1 thought on “I regret nothing”

  1. Although I do regret writing the title wrong for this article (and not going to change it), I still do use Linux to this day. The Linux distro I use is Zorin OS but I do have Windows 10 installed for gaming which is still Linux’s biggest issue.


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