For anyone that joined my Facebook page may remember that quite a few years ago – way back in 2012 I seem to recall I started a small food related blog reviewing cheap and bad food.
Well for anyone that knows me well will know the blog never “really” kicked off that well and I never got around to updating as much as I would have liked too.
The good news is I decided to restart it as a category on Tweaked for your Pleasure and will be bringing over the old reviews and will be doing new ones as I find dodgy looking food, shady shops and so much more!
If anyone know any food / drinks that I could try – drop me a message using the contact form. Itis also worth saying that I am going to be changing how the emails subscriptions work so people can just get updates on rants, reviews and so on.
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For anyone that joined my Facebook page may remember that quite a few years ago – way back in 2012 I seem to recall I started a small food related blog reviewing cheap and bad food. Well for anyone that knows me well will know the blog never “really” kicked off that well and I ... Read more