Farewell WordPress email updates

It has been a few months now from when I started using WordPress Jetpack for email updates and honestly, it sucks. I am unable to limit which post it sends out, which categories and hell, I can’t delay the sending of it.

What this means is I am switching back to Feedburner for email updates. Now I have seen that there is actually more people on Feedburner than WordPress Jetpack but for those that may have never signed up for the old Feedburner emails you can do so here: Subscribe to Tweaked for your Pleasure by Email.

I will be updating the site to change the email subscription to Feedburner but will be enabling it for the next article. I will leave the old one running for a while and then will slowly get rid of it. I would import the old emails myself, but ethically for those that didn’t sign up for Feedburner would be signing up for something they never want and that is spam.

I am also planning (although I do not promise) to offer email subscription for the different sections. Also the Feedburner emails will also include all Tweaked for your Viewing Pleasure videos but none of the others such as Playing Games with Snat.

Need to reference?

Ellis, M. (2012). Farewell WordPress email updates. [online] Snat's Narratives & Tales. Available at: https://snat.co.uk/news/farewell-wordpress-email-updates.html [Accessed 22 Oct 2024].

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It has been a few months now from when I started using WordPress Jetpack for email updates and honestly, it sucks. I am unable to limit which post it sends out, which categories and hell, I can’t delay the sending of it. What this means is I am switching back to Feedburner for email updates. ... Read more

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