Asha in Monster World is one of the two Wonder Boy games I have not played and when my brother saw it on the Playstation Store it was decided right then that we had to buy it but I also thought that it would be a good idea to do a blind run of this game for Playing Games with Snat and as of the publishing of this review I have recorded everything but have yet to publish it.
Furthermore, as a disclaimer for this review, I do have very high expectations of the game due to the original Wonder Boy series and their remakes and Monster Boy so while I may sound harsh it may not be bad.
So the story behind Wonder Boy tends to be simple and Asha in Monster World is no different. The young green-haired girl is called Asha and comes across as a nomad who is sensitive to the presence of spirits it is these spirits that ask her to save them and during this time we set out to become a warrior and save them … although there seems something weird about the Queen.