Basic 2checkout processing script

We do not have a rant today, nor we do have a review. Today I am going to go over something that a lot of people ask me – how to create a very basic 2checkout processing script. I am going to say now that this guide is how to do the processing side of it, it will not cover anything like the database side of things so you can create something like automatic downloads – we may do that as another tutorial.

2checkout HTML Form.

The first thing we need to do is the HTML form for 2checkout. We are going to be using the single page checkout for 2checkout as I prefer that one. Replace the sid value with your own and set the bits below to what you want it to be called. If you want to add a second product to the checkout form, add things like c_name_2, c_price_2 etc. As stated either, I am not going into the database side of things in this tutorial but you can always use a programming language to prefill all in this and use cart_order_id as a method to know what order someone is ordering.

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